Notester Novelty Toaster Sticky Note Holder | Review

Let’s Have A Toast!

Sticky notes are a must-have for anyone with a desk job – they keep your organized and on top of your tasks.

While standard sticky notes come in an array of colors, they aren’t as unique as the Notester Novelty Toaster Sticky Note Holder.

This holder is a toaster replica with a few added perks.  You can store sticky notes, paper clips and even your mobile phone.  It helps you remember tasks and adds a little color to your desk space.

While the bread-shaped sticky notes are fun, they aren’t very useful. As soon as you remove a note from the stack, it doesn’t stick anywhere, so you’re simply left with a piece of paper floating around your desk.  Another downside is that once you have used all the notes, there are no refills, so it’s back to using standard sticky notes.

Retail Price: $12.98

Recommended Ages: 10 and Up


  • Doubles as a smartphone stand/holder.
  • Unique desk decoration.
  • Comes with 100 sticky notes.
  • Comes in a variety of colors.
  • The colored portions of the toaster are magnetic, which is great for holding paper clips or push pins.


  • Sticky notes to do stick on surfaces at all.
  • Each note is stuck together; making it difficult to rip off.
  • Writing area is smaller than standard sticky note.
  • You have to remove the pads and flip the toaster over to dispose of the pencil shavings.



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