Giga Pets AR Puppy Dog Virtual Pet Toy | Review

Virtual Reality…

Everyone’s favorite 1990s toy is back and this time around it has AR capabilities.

Once upon a time, Giga Pets were one of the hottest toys on the market, so it’s not surprising they’ve been resurrected.

The overall concept of the toy is the same, but with Giga Pets AR, users can download an app to play with a real-life dog as well.  Of course you don’t get a full-fledged pet maintenance experience with the app, but you do get the perk of taking care of a life-like dog.

Sadly, this new version of Giga Pets isn’t exactly an improvement.  The buttons on the device are very flimsy and they’re unmarked, which makes it difficult to keep track of which button does what action.

The pet itself seems to want to sleep 95% of the time.  You can literally leave the pet alone for over a day and it will sleep its life away.  These pets also appear to have a longer life line.  In the 90s, an unattended pet would die instantly, but with Giga Pets AR, the pets appear to need only the bare minimum.

If you grew up in the 80s or 90s, you will be disappointed if you expect this version to be just like the one you had growing up.  If Giga Pets AR is new to you and your children, then it will be a fun experience you can take with you anywhere.

Retail Price: $12.99
Recommended Ages: 6 and Up
  • Affordable toy for a young child.
  • Teaches your child to care for a pet.
  • New and improved games that are better than the original Giga Pet.
  • Pet doesn’t seem to need much care.
  • Hours of fun for a child or adult.
  • Has real-life dog sounds – barking, whimpering, etc.
  • Buttons are very flimsy and weak.
  • No label on the buttons to know what each does.
  • Pet sleeps 80% of the time.
  • AR component leaves something to be desired.
  • App is buggy and isn’t user friendly.


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