Amazon Echo Show 5 | Review

Show Me What You’ve Got!

The Echo Show 5 lives up to its name by showing you all the things it can do.

So what’s the main difference between the Echo Show 5 and the Echo Dot or a standard Echo? Simple – the screen.

The 5.5 screen is a game-changer for this Echo device. Echo Show 5 updates in real-time, so no more will you have to yell for Alexa to tell you the weather, temperature, traffic status and more. You can set daily routines that can be displayed on the screen.

Need a delicious recipe for your upcoming holiday dinner? Just ask Alexa for a recommendation and a list of recipes will display on your screen. The device multitasks, as you can play music and ask Alexa for information without one action completely disrupting the other.

Echo Show 5 can also entertain you or your kids with its capability of playing movies and YouTube videos. The Show 5 can also play your favorite tunes, use your personal photos as a screensaver.

One glaring issue is that Alexa doesn’t pause music on command streamed via Bluetooth/iTunes.  In those instances, you have to pause the music manually. Additionally, sometimes it takes yelling “Alexa” a few times before she responds.

Another downside of this device is that the music reach level isn’t as far and good as an Echo and Echo Dot.

One of the best features of the Echo Show 5 is the camera shutter, which helps you maintain your privacy. And much like the regular Echo/Dot, you also have the ability to disable the microphone.

One cool feature to highlight about the Echo Show 5 is that it’s screen adapts to your environment. At night, or when the lights are off the screen dims to only show the time.

The Echo Show 5 is great for the consumer who wants a little more visual entertainment out of their streaming devices.

Retail Price: $74.99 (Currently on sale at Amazon for $44.99)

Recommended Ages: Adults


  • Can check camera on your device.
  • Clear speakers for calls and music.
  • Set a daily routine.
  • You can watch YouTube videos and movies.
  • You can play music everywhere in your house if you have another echo device.
  • Alexa can show you directions or recipes on the screen without disrupting your music.
  • shows you the weather in real-time.


  • Music will play from your phone (instead of the Echo Show) intermittently if you connect via Bluetooth.
  • You cannot turn music off with your voice when connected through Bluetooth.
  • Speakers don’t have a good range.
  • You have to almost shout “Alexa” to wake it up.
  • Plug/Cord is very short.
  • Stand does not come with it and has to be bought separately.



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